Oscar’s Field Trip to the Arboretum

19 Apr 2013

click the photos to see them larger

We went to the San Francisco Botanical Garden at the Strybing Arboretum in Golden Gate Park. I wasn’t sure of the official name so I looked it up. (Don’t confuse it with the other cool place to see flowers, the Conservatory of Flowers.)

I’ll spare you the history, location and other details – all are found in the above links.

I always ask about tulip trees when I can. This volunteer said they are all in the magnolia family.

It was a really beautiful day, and the kids enjoyed this easy and fun escape.

Lucy in the Sky with Scissors

18 Apr 2013


This is a nothing post – I just want to write down a cute thing she does.

When you play RoShamBo with her,
(a.k.a. rock paper scissors)

She Always Chooses Scissors!
She acts all ready and happy to play, and then no matter what, she throws down the scissors.
Surprisingly, the game is still fun.

(does this have anything to to with her fourth self-haircut?!
She really loves scissors).

With Nanu a couple of weeks ago.. I’m retiring the Snow White gown, 2T is too small.

Under the Dome, with Nora and Charlotte

Ava in The SF Chronicle

11 Apr 2013

I was recently interviewed for a story about childhood cancers, not the ones that are doing well, but the ones that haven’t seen improvements. The article was written by a recently bereaved mother (who I greatly enjoyed talking with), and it was published today.

Here’s Ava on the Front Page:


Here is a snapshot of the article:


Mark has made a .pdf so you can read the whole thing more easily. There are 3 pages. The file will open in a new tab:


There is a link to the article online, but you need a subscription to read past the first little bit.

Thank you, everyone, who has used this opportunity to check in and say something sweet! We love the good wishes! I hope to have something new and nice to show you on her birthday, which is coming soon… May 7th – she would have been Ten! Which makes ten years of parenthood for us. Maybe we should go out to celebrate?
Anyways, stay tuned for more Ava goodness.

Auntie {Sweet} Kiera Strikes Again

02 Apr 2013


For no reason at all.
“Wanna bring the kids over for cake?”

      {giant, spectacular, amazing, scrumptious}
Um, okay.


(click to see larger images. These snaps are from the end of February – so don’t come running over here for slices…)