Monthly Archives: December 2010

Gingerbread House – Like We Used To Make

07 Dec 2010

Are you ready for a sugar hit?
Nanu made the gingerbread pieces at home, which was genius because it saved time. Traditionally we use a recipe from a Christmas book, cut out the pieces from a template – then bake. Chief made the house a little wider this time, but this is basically the same house we’ve grown up making. Nanu brought over some candy, then we made a “candy run” for even more. The frosting/glue is Royal Icing, made from 2 egg whites, 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar, and 3 cups of sifted powdered sugar. Sweet Kiera stepped in to add beautiful attention to detail. (she made the whole roof with breathtaking efficiency!) Oscar did a lot too. He saw the project to completion, and contributed original projects such as the welcome mat and path, and many of the rows of gumdrops, red hots and the like. The only real question is, how long can we go until we eat it?

Click to see these large and luscious!:

Ps No, you can’t eat the pig.

Behind the scenes shots:

Nutcracker & Christmas Shopping

07 Dec 2010

Maria and Isabella treated Oscar and me to a terrific holiday outing on Saturday: ballet and shopping. Delightful!

We saw a performance by the San Francisco Youth Ballet, held at Mercy High School’s auditorium. It’s kid friendly, and had some very sweet and funny moments.

Oscar’s favorite part was the soldier and mouse battle. Of course.

After the dancing, we drove over to Fillmore Street, my favorite old stomping grounds. I miss that street! I used to walk it A Lot, 10 years ago.
We practically attacked the boulange Bay Bread for some must have snacks. Outside of France, they are the epicenter for the macaroon craze. We bought a few. I also dragged the group up to Peets. Mmmmmm. “Properly caffeinated” and so happy!

Maria and I noticed how easy and fun it was to just have our oldest kids with us. No strollers, no diapers. But more than that, it was nice to just have some quality time with the big kids.

Last we hit our main destination: Paper Source! No one did any major damage. (This night anyways).
The kids were running on sugar fumes at this point:

We will miss the Kellys over the holidays as they are off to Australia until the new year. This was a terrific chance to share a little holiday cheer. Thanks Mama!

Christmas Tree Lot

07 Dec 2010

We went to a new place for our tree this year.
In past years we’ve hit big box stores like Target and Home Depot,
because the price was right for our height requirement
(hey, I’ve got 11 foot ceilings and I intend to use them!).
Here’s last year’s outing.

As the garden centers at Target have all been closed, Mark did some research and found MK Christmas Trees. They’re in Daly City/So. San Francisco. And I am so used to leaving the city limits for our tree, I didn’t bat an eye when no longer recognized my surroundings.

We even got to stop at In-n-Out on the way! Tradition Upheld.

At the lot, the people were really nice, and the trees were super fresh. I loved the “non-big-box” feel. It reminded me of some of the lots I went to as a kid. Plain. Well, they did have a selection of trees with white flocking, but that’s kinda fun to see. It’s “throwback.”

We picked our tree, “Millie”. (I’ve never even thought to name a tree before.) This one may not be the tallest or straightest we’ve ever had, but so far, she has the most personality.

And if you are wondering, we are still considering whether to get a small tree for Oscar this year. He votes yes. The Judges are convening. Stay Tuned.

We can’t wait to meet Kit!

02 Dec 2010

There’s a new little friend in our world!
(It could be debated whether or not Lafayette is in Mark’s world, but that’s besides the point)

Welcome Sasha & Carolyn’s new babe, Kathryn Cline Dansky!
Born September 16th, after 33.5 hours of labor(!) at 7lbs, 11oz.

I’m posting this mainly for the photo. Can you stand it?
Congratulations you guys! See you soon!

A Christmas Bedtime Story

01 Dec 2010

Oscar:  Can we read a story?
Me:  I’ll read you the book about the day Baby Jesus was born.
It’s called The Nativity.
Yeah! I want to read that story!
Do you know what the name of that day is called?
Um, no.
It’s the first Christmas.
Oh. Yeah!

This happened a long long time ago.
Like in the old days?
Yes, a long time ago.
Like before even Ruth was born? (Ruth is his Kindergarten teacher)
Yes. Way before that.
Like, before Chief’s dad was born?
Yes. A really really long time ago.
Wow. I think yeah.

Page 1, The Angel
One day the angel came to tell Mary that she was going to have a baby, and he will be the son of God.
Is that God? (pointing to Joseph)
No, You can’t see God. That’s Joseph, but the baby’s dad would be God.
But Joseph will help out?
That’s an Angel?
Yes – isn’t it beautiful?
Yeah – but aren’t angels only in heaven?
Well, in this really special case, God sent angels to visit people.
I would freak out if I saw an angel.
Yeah I think I would too.

Page 2, No Room At the Inn
Mary and Joseph had to travel home to Bethlehem, and it was time to have the baby. But there were so many other visitors in town, that the Inn was all full. (I bet Mary was worried.)
Why, because she had to ride that donkey?

Page 3, The Stable
Joseph found them a place in a stable, where baby Jesus was born that night. Do you see that little box that baby Jesus is sleeping in? Its called a manger. Its where the horses eat their hay from, usually. The baby is wrapped in blankets – Its a cold night.
And the angels are playing music for the baby to listen to.
The book says the animals breathed on the baby to keep him warm.

Page 4, The Shepherds
In the fields nearby, shepherds were looking after their sheep. An angel appeared in the sky and told them to come and see Christ the Lord, born in Bethlehem. They would find the baby lying in a manger. Next, more angels came, and filled the sky, singing, “Glory to God, and peace on Earth.” I think it was quite a scene. The shepherds hurried and found baby Jesus, just as the angel had said.
I think they brought the sheep to the baby.

Page 5, The Wise Men
A star guided 3 wise men across the land. They were looking to worship the child born King.
The star led them forward until it stood over the place where Jesus lay.
Are they kings too? They have crowns.
I think they must be.

Page 6, The Gifts
At last the three wise men had found Jesus. They gave him their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Remember how people came to visit Lucy and brought presents? (nods yes)
Everyone there rejoiced and sang with the angels in heaven, “Glory to God, Alleluia”.

And then Jesus died? And came back to life?
Well, that’s later. That’s Easter. Right now everyone is just happy to have Jesus born.
Except the people who are Jewish. Because they don’t believe in Jesus.
Right. If you’re Jewish you believe in other things. But we’re Catholic, and we celebrate Christmas – which is Jesus being born.
If you’re Jewish, you believe in the menorah.
Well, if you are Jewish, you believe in a lot of other good things. The menorah is for the festival of lights.
Today is the first day of Hanukkah. Jacob gets to light a candle.
Its also December first. What did you get to do this morning?
I got to open my ab-vent calendar!
Okay, kid. Time for bed.