Tag Archives: candy

Happy Halloween 2011

01 Nov 2011

Here’s my snapshots from my new iPhone (not bad…?) We went trick or treating with Ariel, and his dad Andrew is the Rockstar in the photos. They were super fun, and their neighborhood (West Clay) rocks. All along Lake Street is so fun. (They had a kick-ass band!)
Mark used to go trick-or-treating there as a kid! I love that. Omi and Opi let us park in their garage (thanks!) Both kids were really into it this year – it was a classic!

Also, here’s some cute shots from this year’s Clarendon Halloween Carnival. Oscar went thru the haunted house with me, and was FREAKED. It was scary. (awesome scary.) He was the only kid in his class who had the nerve to do it – or so I heard. Trouble is, he got so scared I bet he won’t go back next year. :) He didn’t even want to talk about it, for fear we get the idea of making him go again. P.S. That’s Bianca, but don’t make the mistake of calling her his girlfriend!

Gingerbread House – Like We Used To Make

07 Dec 2010

Are you ready for a sugar hit?
Nanu made the gingerbread pieces at home, which was genius because it saved time. Traditionally we use a recipe from a Christmas book, cut out the pieces from a template – then bake. Chief made the house a little wider this time, but this is basically the same house we’ve grown up making. Nanu brought over some candy, then we made a “candy run” for even more. The frosting/glue is Royal Icing, made from 2 egg whites, 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar, and 3 cups of sifted powdered sugar. Sweet Kiera stepped in to add beautiful attention to detail. (she made the whole roof with breathtaking efficiency!) Oscar did a lot too. He saw the project to completion, and contributed original projects such as the welcome mat and path, and many of the rows of gumdrops, red hots and the like. The only real question is, how long can we go until we eat it?

Click to see these large and luscious!:

Ps No, you can’t eat the pig.

Behind the scenes shots:

Happy Halloween 2010!

01 Nov 2010

M eanwhile, back at the casa… It was a RACE to carve the giant jack-o-lanterns, scrap together a ninja costume, pose for photos, pack up the crew, and get to our party on time. Thank heavens for Cole and Kiera (all the good photos below are Cole’s). We were invited to Oscar’s classmate’s home for Halloween. Shayan is such a sweetie, and his mom, Shideh, decorated their whole flat. We had lots for yummy food and drink, and they even put the game on. What game? No, you did not just ask that. (p.s. Below, note Mark’s clever “man-bag” full of G-men!)
So everyone was having a great time when it became time to head out for trick-or-treating. We walked along 6th avenue towards Lake St., where 6th dead ends. Then we came back the other side of the street. There were lots of people: young kids in really cute costumes! The weather was Awesome. Everyone was in a great mood. Then we came home (the kids were tired) in time to see the Giants Win! High fives and Candy.

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