
16 Nov 2012

So last Monday I put on my battle gear…
To deal with this!

This is pretty much every bit of baby and kids clothes from Ava, Oscar and Lucy, since 2003.
I know, mom – Just say it:
We’ve had the bins squirled away, in some awesome storage spots around the house.
But things were getting messy, unknown and overwhelming.

I located, organized, donated, etc. and got the total bin count down.
I’m happy to report the situation is now back under control.

I may or may not have cuddled some of my favorite old Oscar items in a weak moment of missing my ‘little guy’.

The battle is won, but the war of kids crap rages on.
Over and out.

The Apple Juice Tea Party

11 Nov 2012

(all photography by Cole & Kiera of Natural Light Photography)

Lucy turned Three and we had a “tea party” birthday party for her.
She got nervous ahead of time that she would actually be made to drink tea.
So we changed the name, and all was right in the universe.

Thank you, Kiera, for Bringing It with the little tea pots and monogrammed teacups!
It wouldn’t be a party without your cookies!
The tea bags with jimmies?! #cuteoverload

And thank you Cole (& Kiera too) for taking photos!
Kristi taught me a long time ago that you simply cant take pics at your own party.
It so nice to have a pro… :) Thanks, Bro.

Last, and most of all, thanks, Mark, for the tables and chairs from Laurel Hill!!
I’m sure there’s more, but let’s just get to the photos already.



Lucy had a really fun time with her girlfriends.
She was sad that Dominic didn’t join us. But she totally got that it was a girl party. She received amazingly cute and wonderful gifts, and I would blog about them, but that’s tacky. :)
Lucy did have a small ‘diva dip’ during the dancing, but otherwise she help up pretty well for having 8 guests!

Did anyone notice, in the photos, the wooden desk being used as a sideboard to hold cookies and scones? Opi and Omi completely re-furbished that desk for me! I originally received the desk as a gift from Harriet. It was a writing desk, and the top was slanted at an angle. Because of the slope, I never really used it, but it was so cute that I couldn’t part with it. One day I asked Mark’s parents if the top could be removed and replaced with a new (flat) top. They actually did one better: They used the original top, and repaired the whole thing in the process! It’s amazing – a labor of love. Thanks Omi & Opi!!

Sources: Yes, the scones were from Arizmendi. The little sweets were from Trader Joe’s. The homemade cupcakes were from a box, but the cute sugar flowers make all the difference. Also the straws, cupcake liners and plastic roses. Lucy’s dress (and later t-shirt) are J.Crew. The ‘Tea Table’ table cloths: Thank you Bobbie for lending me the cross stitch table cloth! It was *Just* the right thing! Super authentic. Underneath is just some sale yardage from Serena & Lily. We also made great use of Bobbie’s plate stackers. The toy tea set was a gift from Kristi (fisher price). Lucy loves it! The gold spoons and a couple other items were from a Kamei, restaurant supply store on Clement. The China service for 8 was borrowed from a very trusting friend. Thanks Belinda! The favors hats were cheap, so I embellished them with flowers from Forever21. Lucy’s beautiful white hat was from Blissful Bonnets. Really Nice, and it got here quick. Anything else I missed? ;)

Thanks for coming everybody! Happy Birthday Lucy! Enjoy being Three!

Playing Hooky

05 Nov 2012

I picked up Oscar early – at lunchtime. All the kids in his class chimed out, “Oscar, your mom is here!” and Oscar looked a little ruffled. He doesn’t like unexpected appearances that much, I don’t think. Stick to the playbook, thank you.
His classmates, just coming on to the playground for recess, wanted to know where he was going.
When Lucy heard all the kids asking where he was going, she fixed up her posture, and was about to shout, “The Beach!”
when I (gently) grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with my hand. I answered, “I have an appointment”, and smiled blandly.

When we got to the car, I let Lucy tell Oscar our surprise destination.
It was all smiles from there on out.
Oh yeah, in the car, Oscar asked, “Mom? When is Winter?”

(click on any to see larger)

(from instagram)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Addendum: (or whatever):
I was missing Booker like crazy. There were so many happy labs fetching booeys. Oscar noticed it too. Crissy was the place that we took Booker the most!
Then I started missing Ava.
Then I snapped out of it because Lucy was screaming that Oscar had ruined her sand-thing. Or vice versa – I’m not sure.
We sat down together on a towel and had icy cold apple juice, and pirates booty. The kids leaned their shoulders together, and I felt better.
I’m not sayin’ anything, but I’m just sayin’.

(These were taken March 13, 2004)

Happy Birthday To Sam!

03 Nov 2012

Our Dream Date is TEN!
Can you believe it!?

Sam – our package is in the mail, and should arrive Wednesday.
Here’s whats coming:

That’s a Thracian, an Egyptian, a Spartan and a Viking.
None of them are as amazing as Sam!

We hope you have an Epic Birthday!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Love, and ten hugs,
Mark, Vale, Oscar, and Lucy

Halloween Night

01 Nov 2012

This is Oscar’s “real” costume. He’s a Ghoul.

His claws were his favorite and most special part of his costume.
I was hoping for a non-scary costume, but alas.

Lucy got a last-minute gift from Dad, a Snow White costume.
Hula Girl out, — Hello, Disney Princess.

It’s been a long and grueling week, with too many costume variations to keep track of.
I was just happy that they were happy.

Ellie the Ladybug!

Aww, the Browns. Too cute!

Our Trick Or Treating crew

Lucy was so fun to trick or treat with!
I had an absolute blast with her! She was fearless and “into it”.

We went on West Clay – second year in a row. Great spot. This is during the hour between 6pm when we started, and 7, when the rain came.
After that, we called it. Both kids were satisfied with the slightly smaller haul.
I felt so happy that the rain held off for as long as it did.

Omi and Opi’s house is right around the corner!

They were so AWESOME to have dinner ready for us!

The End.