Lucy’s First Swim Lesson, Again

01 Feb 2013

Only Better.
Because I’m not in the pool…

But first, I need to include this pre-swim photo (which I am in love with!!)

And maybe another…

Ok, so the lesson.

Here is happy Lucy, floating. (the pink goggles in the middle):

The kids get ribbons to measure their progress.
The first one is the Rainbow ribbon, for general following of instructions, and putting your face in the water.
Some kids do not get this on the first day.

Here is Lucy’s real first swim lesson, and another day, with Auntie Kiera, who was then sometimes known as Bobby.
Our lessons are now Wednesdays at 11:45 if anyone wants to tag along! Happily, no suit required….

Poison Oak

28 Jan 2013

This was taken on January 16th. It’s a photo of Lucy and me getting Poison Oak.

It also represents our weekend plans getting canceled:
The kids didn’t get to see snow for the first time.
We missed Nana’s 90th birthday party.
We missed a sleepover with the Nickles.
It’s also two trips to the weekend emergency room, steroids and more steroids. I took Prednizone, which worked, but it’s not good for 3 year olds. She has a strong topical creme.

Lucy, today, is still covered in itchy rash.
That invisible poison oak flattened us.

Can you believe this is right across the street from Clarendon?

Happy 90th Birthday Nana!

26 Jan 2013

I’m so Happy for Nana! January 20th was her 90th Birthday!

Unfortunately Mark and I, and the kids, had to miss her party at the last minute! Oscar had a fever, and I had a weird allergic reaction. Lucy, for the record, was game to go with out us. She was heartbroken to miss the birthday party. So was I!

Cole took these wonderful photos, and he was awesome to let me post them here. :)
Click to see any of them a little bigger.

I think they’re watching the slideshow

Sweet Kiera made pretty rose cupcakes

With her sister, H.L.

And, here’s the little slideshow I made for the lunch:

Last but not least, a Big Thank You to Aunt Julie for organizing the party!
I heard through the grapevine it was a beautiful success.

Grand Aunt Pam

23 Jan 2013

Click to see larger

I’m sorry to say, Nanu’s sister Pam has passed away.
I feel better to think she is in a more comfortable place.
We will miss her so much!

p.s. I like this photo – I think its funny that I’m so sullen. (I’d love to be there now!) Pam looks great, and of course I feel mom’s presence as the photographer. She tells me Harrod’s is right around the corner, and we were just on our way there.