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Our first game is in the books. It turns out that our league is really nice for a kid who’s never played before. At Oscar’s level, (“upper farm”) they don’t keep score, and each kid hits each inning. Once I saw how mellow it was, I took a deep sigh of relief. Oscar is going to have so much fun! To borrow the words of Uncle Joe, “What a thrill for them.” Joe, we’re all jealous too!
Uncle Cole took these awesome photos for us. They make the action look a little faster and crisper than it may have been.. We were laughing at the mis-match between the pro equipment and the game as it was. Still, I’m thrilled to have such a sweet account of my little guy in his first baseball game. Thank you Cole :)
This just came in – an email from our coach. I’m putting it in here because I love it.

We have two Oscars on our team. Evidently, our Oscar already has a nickname. Coach Rob gave it to him, so I’m pretty sure it’s here to stay.
Our schedule. (It’s just a screen shot so don’t expect it to pop up a cute map when you click. :)

Give us a heads up if you need some directions.