Tag Archives: Playgroup

Playgroup Birthday Party – 8!

17 Sep 2013


We had such a wonderful time at Renee and Mikes! They happen to live in my dream house – it’s cool, they’re just saving it for me.
The kids still love each other. Well, the moms do, and the kids are happy.
It was so good to see everyone on a beautiful sunshine-y day.
(here are my iPhone snapshots – all of them complete afterthoughts, or back ups to the better cameras in attendance.)

Thank you again Renee!!!

Playgroup Reunion

05 May 2013

from L to R: Renee, Tiffany, Shelly, Me, Anya, Jennifer, Katie

Renee Rocks! She hosted a beautiful playdate at her amazing home in Marin. We celebrated seven years of friendship! Thank you so much Renee, it means a lot to all of us. I didn’t want to leave! (I want to move in!)

Ironically, I didn’t remember to take photos. Was having too much fun catching up with everyone.
I don’t have one shot of the main kids!

I do have:
Lucy on the massive trampoline out back

Lucy and Eva in the hot tub

A last minute snap out by the cars when I realized I had taken no pics.

That’s all folks, until next time..

Cars 2 at the Balboa

27 Jun 2011

The kids liked it. So much went over their heads, and that’s a good thing. Don’t get me started on a rant about violence and torture scenes in kids movies.

We met up with Shelly and Trevor, Jen with Will and Ben, Katie with Issy and Eva, and even saw Tiago and Matteo with their grandparents.

This photo is a miracle because when the kids saw the moms break out the cameras, they scattered like dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly.

Omi, thank you for watching Lucy, and I’m so sorry she picked off all the orchid flowers!

Off The Grid a.k.a. Truck Food

17 Jun 2011

A typical San Francisco day.. sunny but kinda windy.
We went to Childrens Playground with some friends (Trevor, Will & Ben).
Lucy was in heaven – I know I need to take her to more playgrounds, more often.

(Click photos to enlarge)

Then we walked over to Stanyan to check out the food trucks that sort of ‘circle the wagons’ every Thursday evening. They have been growing in popularity, and I have been meaning to go check out this event (officially, Off The Grind: Upper Haight). Here’s a good blog article with pictures if you want more description.

The wind died down and it wasn’t crowded at all. It smelled fantastic. I have bought food at food trucks before, but the interesting thing here is how many trucks there are (11? at least.), and that they are all different and all good! None as cheap as a food truck should be, but at least it’s yummy. Jen, Shelly and I were in agreement, it’s not so ideal for picky eating kids. Oscar had a cheese quesidilla that I could have made him at home for cents. Whatever. It was fun for the moms. (Korean BBQ… mmmm. and pulled pork sandwich for Mark with hush puppies…)

(Click photo to enlarge)