June 2 – My Birthday

04 Jun 2012

Woke up to brunch! Peet’s latte, birthday cake, pastries, bacon & eggs, fresh o.j. & strawberries, presents and flowers! Thanks for the photo, Kiera, and the rest are thanks to Cole.

Swedish Princess: white cake layers with raspberry and kirsch custard filling, whipped cream and marzipan icing.

A little help making my wish… (Afterwards, Lucy cried. So cute!!)

All better

It was Georgia’s birthday too! Actually, even more special as it was her Golden Birthday! 2 on the second. She got bacon.

We took turns being Hipsters.

Alex makes hipster look cool

cutie pie hipster frenchie.

Someone said he looked like Chief.

Play-on Playa

This one cracked me up

Later we took the kids to Nanu & Chief’s for a sleepover. Yay! No Kids!
Off we went, to Zuni with Ben and Joan.
Only one photo, but it says enough!

Thanks for all my birthday love!!

Update, *sigh*, in response to Cole’s comment:

Summer Vacation Is Here

31 May 2012

So far the kids are making the adjustment to being together all day.
I hear cries of discontentment, but usually they work it out. It’s like a dog’s bark – sounds sooo annoying, but doesn’t mean that much. I keep reminding Oscar that Lucy is only two (and is really obnoxious lately). He has more patience than I do!
Big plans include catching up with Kristi, Sam and Cole, who are here in SF for June!
Madie’s wedding is June 30th! Camp July is in Denver – can’t wait! and August has us off camping and Disneylanding. Mix in some home improvement, sports and piano lessons, and we are all full! (well, as full as I want to be) Hooray!

Nana at Uncle Matt’s

27 May 2012

Nana (Chief’s mom) is staying for the weekend at Matt’s, in Moraga.
Nanu (Vicki), Madie, Cole, Lucy and I went over to say hi, and have lunch. The sun came out, and boy did we get an eyeful. These photos are all iPhone shots, and don’t do the garden justice. Matt and Hilary have completely outdone themselves. Hilary wasn’t home, but her mother Meda was visiting. Nana was happy to see Lucy. We had so much fun, we can’t wait to go over again soon.
(The last 5 shots are from Cole)

Golden Gate Bridge Birthday

26 May 2012

Everyone is excited for our bridge’s 75th birthday tomorrow!
It doesn’t look like we are going to take O&L into the madness (They are making it too difficult. No cars are allowed! Picture tired kids and no way to get home.)
But we will see the fireworks, and who knows – maybe I’ll have a photo to post.

My mom, Vicki, was waaay cooler than I am, and motivated! She brought me and Madie onto the bridge for the 50th birthday — the day it flattened out from all the weight! I can only feel sorry for our dad, who was watching the tv that morning, knowing his girls were on it!

Check this out (click to see larger):

I could would never want this now – I’m too claustrophobic.

Oh yeah baby. I was in those ’80s.

Pretty cool, 25 years ago.


We didn’t go. We decided that the schlep was going to be too much. At the moment of the fireworks (which sounded like a War was raging outside) I had major pangs of guilt. Then when all was silent again, I felt fine. :)
Here is what we missed:

and here is what we could see from our lame, no-view house:

The Kapok Tree

23 May 2012

While I was gone on my Girls Weekend to Ashland, Mark and the kids were busy. Among the soccer games and meals and other stuff, there were some important things I was sorry to miss.

Mark took photos of the Art exhibit. I put them in with that post.

And, Oscar was pretty much the star of his class play, The Kapok Tree.
The class worked hard to learn their lines, and make their set & costumes.
This was Oscar’s first play!
Mark took two movies:

Part one – the introduction
(don’t worry – it’s not crooked)

Part two – the play. (Almost 15 minutes. Oscar comes on at about 1:15.)

Also, Allix and Stuart (a.k.a. Uncle Mac’n’Cheese) came to town (They live in the UK).
Kristi got to see them for about 30 minutes!