Tag Archives: room 103

The Kapok Tree

23 May 2012

While I was gone on my Girls Weekend to Ashland, Mark and the kids were busy. Among the soccer games and meals and other stuff, there were some important things I was sorry to miss.

Mark took photos of the Art exhibit. I put them in with that post.

And, Oscar was pretty much the star of his class play, The Kapok Tree.
The class worked hard to learn their lines, and make their set & costumes.
This was Oscar’s first play!
Mark took two movies:

Part one – the introduction
(don’t worry – it’s not crooked)

Part two – the play. (Almost 15 minutes. Oscar comes on at about 1:15.)

Also, Allix and Stuart (a.k.a. Uncle Mac’n’Cheese) came to town (They live in the UK).
Kristi got to see them for about 30 minutes!