Mark and I got to drop off the kids at my parents house early Saturday!
I got to clean the living room (Ha ha, but its so nice to do it with out kids in the way!!!).
Then we had drinks.
I felt like this:

Then we took a cab down to Ft. Mason for an auction/fundraiser for our pre-school, Laurel Hill. The theme was “Streets of San Francisco”. The tables were topped with street signs almost exactly how we did it at our wedding. It was a flashback!
We were the lucky “winners” of a couple key prizes, but more importantly, we got to see all the parents and teachers that I hadn’t seen in a year. It was so fun! Everyone wanted to know how Oscar liked Clarendon, and when Lucy would be enrolling. I told them not soon enough! (fall 2012)
Here’s me with Maria, the director, and three beloved teachers, Liz, Sally and Kaile.

It was a dark stormy night, but Cole picked us up and brought us back (you know C&K live next door?), where we had a beautiful Cake from Sweet Kiera, and watched SNL.
We got to SLEEP IN until 10:30. I stretched it until eleven! We made a big breakfast and read the newspaper. I got to open the kitchen windows that I normally can’t because Lucy would crawl out and fall to to her doom.
Nanu and Chief delivered the kids. Mark took Oscar out to ride bikes in the park. Lucy, Madie and I chilled over at C&K’s – Kiera made us Corned Beef Rubens on Acme Rye with sauerkraut!
I need a caption for this photo:

Hope you had a good weekend too! xoxo