Oscar would like to announce his Clarendon Second Community Auction Raffle!

Tickets are $5 each, or five for $20.
This year’s Grand Prize is a seven‐night stay in Tuscany, Italy. If you win, you will escape to “Casa Tre Leoni”, a 2 bedroom house located in the beautiful town of Sommocolonia, in the Garfagnana region of Tuscany.
You can see more details at http://www.sommocolonia.com
The Prize includes round trip airfare for two. This is a great opportunity to practice Italian, visit nearby Tuscan destinations: Pisa, Lucca, and Firenze, and immerse yourself in Italian culture!
Second Prize is a Two Night Stay at the Atlantic Casino Resort & Spa in Reno, NV ($200 value).
Third Prize is Two Tickets to your San Francisco Symphony concert of choice this summer ($140
A drawing will be held at the Clarendon Second Community Auction on Saturday, April 16, 2011. You need not be present to win.
The Fine Print: Grand Prize package includes 2 roundtrip air tickets from anywhere in the continental U.S. or Canada, to Europe. The SCPA will reimburse house, flight and car rental costs for the grand prize, up‐to a $3600
maximum total cost. There is a $2000 alternative cash prize. Valid for 12‐months from 2011 Auction date.
Reservations subject to availability.
Let us know if you are interested!
More About The Prize:
The fabulous house is in the Tuscan city of Sommocolonia. Sommocolonia means “the colony at the summit” and was founded by the Romans some twenty centuries ago! It is a lovely hilltop town, where on a clear day it does appear you “can see forever!” Wondering what to do in the Tuscan region of Italy? There are so many places to hike in the Tuscan mountains and picnic near its picturesque lakes. You can enjoy ancient ramparts and thermal baths in the nearby town of Lucca. The Grotta del Vento (the wind caves) in the Garfagnana region are not to be missed! Or why not take one of many offered cooking classes in the area and learn to make bruschetta, porchetta, and Paneforte, three of Tuscany’s famous mouth watering dishes!
Want to take a day trip? Pisa is only 40 miles away! Go see its famous leaning tower and eat some gelato. The city of Firenze (Florence) is just 70 miles away, and it is here that you can see Michelangelo’s statue of David along with several Botticelli’s at the Accademia. You won’t want to miss the world famous Uffizi gallery or the Duomo either.

Come on, help a kindergartner out!