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CAS is Community Arts & Sciences Day. It was a extremely well organized day, run by parent volunteers. I volunteered to be an escort, so I chaperoned a group of 6 kids to different workshops.

First we did a session called “insects” (my favorite, first thing in the am).

Not pictured: a hissing cockroach. Not kidding.
Next our schedule sent us to “Silly Putty” – run by Lucas & Rachel’s dad Robin!

Next was a fun flash mob of dancing, led by the Italian teacher, Barbara

Some older kids were doing fencing, which looked fantastic!

This was an arts ‘n’ crafts workshop, making “Eco Friendly Pins”.
With more than half the stuff made in China, I kept my critical
comments to myself, and enjoyed helping Oscar.

The last scheduled workshop was on the upper yard, with the SF fire dept. I secretly wished we had gotten assigned something that Oscar didn’t know so much about already. But it ended up being hilarious, because Oscar was the know-it-all who answered every question (correctly) and told at least 10 stories. A firefighter in the making.

Last was the Egg Drop, which was great to see. Oscar didn’t make an egg package, but maybe now that he knows the deal, he’ll be excited for one next year.