Laurel Hill Is Great

05 Oct 2012

Click to see larger. Shot on my back with my iPhone.

What’s not to love!?

Lucy has made some sweet little friends. We’re going to have a playdate this weekend with Vicky.
Here’s the two of them, matching like BFFs:

I had a “buzz” with Lucy’s teacher Kaile, and all is well. “She made the transition to pre-school really fast!” We’re encouraged to promote independence by having Lucy do more little things on her own, especially re: potty training.

I asked about Lucy’s major new friendship with a Pre-K boy, Domenic. Everyone seems to think it’s going well. If there was anything off, then I trust Kaile and Maria and Any One Of The Awesome Teachers would tell me. So I’m really happy – he’s a sweetheart.

Here’s Domenic, Giulia and Koko with Lucy on Bike Deck

And P.S.

One More Birthday Event For Oscar

28 Sep 2012

In Oscar’s class, they celebrate all the birthdays for the month on the last Friday.

I baked some XL chocolate chip cookies. Kiera hooked me up with the deluxe packaging (thanks!!). I used some old green paper that I had left over from Christmas cards three years ago. I thought it struck a nice balance between snazzy and homespun. Mark said: “Dude, they’re 2nd graders. They won’t care”

That’s Oscar’s teacher Prudence, and Natalie. Her birthday was Sept. 6th.
(I was kicking myself that I didn’t figure things out… I should have written Happy Birthday Oscar & Natalie! Oh well, mental note for next year.)

The class sings Happy Birthday 3 times.

The first one is in English, the second in Italian, the third is “silly”. You can click this to see it larger.

Oscar probably enjoyed passing out the cookies even more than eating them.

See all those girls on the left? I Love them. I should have tried for a better pic of them, but time was flying, and I’m lucky to have got what I got!

I’m so proud of my son! Seven!

I think he has great classmates.

It was a quick peek into the school day that I don’t often get to see. They’re all such great kids, I wish I had time to hangout with them more!

A Kitten!

23 Sep 2012

Madie & Alex got a kitten!

So of course we went over to see her. They think her name will be Penny.
Here she is all fiesty.

Lucy kept jumping and screaming (yes, screaming,) in excitement, so Penny wisely retreated under the bed.

But she was too curious and good-natured to hide for long.

She’s really cute!! We are hoping that their cat Buddy eventually thinks so too.

Hello Penny!

Oscar’s Check-up at Dr. Ernster’s

22 Sep 2012

All is good – nothing to report. Oscar is 80th percentile in weight and 75th percentile in height. Perfect sight and hearing. Dr. Ernster loved all the good activities Oscar has going on (Piano, Italian, Soccer, etc.)
He especially was excited about the piano lessons. We talked about it for a while.
At the end, Dr. Ernster said there would be no need for any shots. Oscar audibly exhaled, and relaxed.
We laughed, apparently Oscar had been nervous about that the whole time.

Then Oscar got his flu snifter and we were on our way.

I had promised to take Oscar out for ice cream to celebrate finishing his first piano book.
We went to Toy Boat (Clement and 5th) while Lucy finished her day at Laurel Hill.
We talked about how different and nice it felt hanging out just the two of us.

After, we had some time so we wandered over to the Sloat nursery on 3rd.
That was really fun. We hung out for almost an hour, wandering among all the beautiful plants.
(Mark would NEVER go for that.)

Oscar picked out a succulent. He was so into it, how could I resist?

August Opella Visit

18 Sep 2012

Another wonderful part of Carlo & Flor getting married, was that our far-away friends came to town.

Kristi & Rob flew in from Dallas, and Sarah flew in from Manhattan with August.
We hadn’t seen him is a while, and wow! So big, and handsome!!
I snapped these pics amid the happy chaos.

(Oscar wasn’t home because he was at school.)

This was an Instagram from the rehearsal dinner

This was our beloved table at the wedding.

This is one of those crappy phone pics that miraculously turns out awesome.