Category Archives: Travel

Ridin’ The Rails

09 Aug 2011

Nana and Chief took Oscar to Sacramento on Amtrak yesterday. I think the visit was inspired by the trains near their new home in Emeryville. If ya can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
They said the trip was easy and a lot of fun. And they took photos! These are my favorites.

Click any to see larger:

And, if thats not enough, here’s a cute voicemail Oscar left me:

[Click to play audio]

Love it. Thanks Nana & Chief!!

Camping in Butano (Pescadero)

30 Jun 2011

Ahh, car camping with the family. One night only, and we didn’t even cook dinner. We went out to a wonderful old restaurant, Duartes (pronounced, “doo-erts”. Butano is pronounced “boot-a-noh”.) The trip was taken for Chief’s birthday (June 20th). He treated us all to the delicious dinner – crab, and lamb… and cocktails! Thanks!

It was a nice time with the family – we missed Alex – but we did talk weddings, and we ate marshmellows, and it was all very fun. (Right up until Lucy wouldn’t sleep. That took the fun right out of things.) But Oscar was a champ – no complaints, in fact he was LOVING every minute of it. His favorite part was sitting around the fire with everyone, at night, playing “Apples to Apples”.)

Most all of the camping photos here were taken by Cole or Kiera. Thanks guys! Nana, thanks for making the reservations and Helmut thanks for lending the extra tent – I guess we’re in the market for a new tent? We all got a kick out of our matching yellow domes.

click to enlarge, then advance with your arrow key

The next day we hit the beach – so pretty.

Beautiful Day In Napa

28 Jun 2011

The Schmidts invited us up to enjoy the pool and a barbeque at Carmen’s home in Silverado. We got our first swimming of the summer! The weather was absolutely perfect.

The Kellys came along too – aren’t they so cute?

Helmut caught a baby rattlesnake! It wanted to bite us, but it couldn’t get out of the bucket. He took this pic:

I had a couple of drinks, relaxed, and promptly forgot to take any more photos until we were leaving. The food was amazing. (Wish I had a photo.) Carmen made her Salvadoran baked beans. Lucy ate steak and ribs!

The sun is setting so late these days, and of course we weren’t watching the clock. The kids were up past 9. Counting the fact that Lucy only slept 30 minutes in the car, and swam for a couple hours, it might as well have been midnight for her. Thanks honey for driving us home safely! :) Also, thanks Jamey and Helmut – awesome day!!

CAMP JULY Slideshow – Denver 2010

24 Jun 2011

Just in time! I finally got this off my “to-do” list, and it only took me eleven months. :)

Show notes:
Most photos were taken by Kristi. Yes, she does rock. No, Rob played his “get-out-of-jail” card. Yes, the head lice were successfully fended off with lots of Tea Tree Oil. No, that was a bee sting. Yes, Calamity Jane, a.k.a. Kristi, was on crutches. And antibiotics again. Lucy was 8 1/2 months. The puppy, Stella, was *brand new*, the weather was Gorgeous, and this WILL be the last year of cute kids with no clothes on (in pictures anyways). And YES Camp July is on for 2011, San Francisco!!!

Travel Posters

12 Jun 2011

My folks are thinking of going to Venice for their 40th Wedding anniversary!
I’m getting kinda sentimental with all the love stories happening around here…
Here are Vicki and Jim (a.k.a. Nana and Chief) on their wedding day, back in 1971:

So I hope Venice works out for them! It’s one of the few Epic places in Europe they haven’t been yet!

These posters are so classic (circa 1920): (click to enlarge)

(This one is sooo pretty too, but not relevant…)