In Oscar’s class, they celebrate all the birthdays for the month on the last Friday.

I baked some XL chocolate chip cookies. Kiera hooked me up with the deluxe packaging (thanks!!). I used some old green paper that I had left over from Christmas cards three years ago. I thought it struck a nice balance between snazzy and homespun. Mark said: “Dude, they’re 2nd graders. They won’t care”

That’s Oscar’s teacher Prudence, and Natalie. Her birthday was Sept. 6th.
(I was kicking myself that I didn’t figure things out… I should have written Happy Birthday Oscar & Natalie! Oh well, mental note for next year.)

The class sings Happy Birthday 3 times.

The first one is in English, the second in Italian, the third is “silly”. You can click this to see it larger.

Oscar probably enjoyed passing out the cookies even more than eating them.

See all those girls on the left? I Love them. I should have tried for a better pic of them, but time was flying, and I’m lucky to have got what I got!

I’m so proud of my son! Seven!

I think he has great classmates.

It was a quick peek into the school day that I don’t often get to see. They’re all such great kids, I wish I had time to hangout with them more!