Category Archives: Sports & Activities

UC Davis Picnic Day

24 Apr 2012

And it was hot. Not even hot like Davis-summer-hot, but it was hot enough for us. Oscar kept asking if we could go back to San Francisco. (In Mark and my experience, it always rained on Picnic Day.)
Here are my best snaps of the day.

We parked our car and biked. First stop was at the farmer’s market for lunch. We saw Tom, the baker, our old neighbor on C st. who used to come over and watch survivor with us. And we saw these bikes. “We’re in Davis now!”

We got back on the bikes and navigated the super busy streets into campus. Oscar did really well! It was hot, and there were people everywhere! We parked again, and walked into the quad.

I showed Oscar where my old Media Lab job was. It was so cool inside! We saw an art exhibit.

We got a terrific run through of the skulls of human evolution. Thanks mister anthropology dude! We told him Lucy was also our daughter’s name :)

We walked through the coffee house. Well, we weren’t sure, until we saw the old sign. It has CHANGED! I pointed out about where I used to make pizzas and burritos. Mark and I reminisced. I flashed back to me and Beth – her studying/applying to Grad school and me not studying (flirting).

Back on our bikes, for a ride across campus to see some animals. Polo ponies!

Not an important photo, only I think this might be Oscar’s first smile all day.

Lucy couldn’t really function. We just carried her a lot.

Here’s our bikes (mine’s the yellow one!) and we found a cool spot on the grass.
This is where I realized we lost our second towel and my sun hat. I was too hot to care.

A couple of these and the kids perked up a little.

Obligatory cow photo. We did not see where they had the famous gesticulated cow. Whatever.

Hooray! The Battle Of The Bands! They take turns playing songs, and see who can outlast the rest. We got settled in front of the Cal Band. Also in attendance: UCSB, Humboldt, and The Aggie Alumni Band. They may have been more but we didn’t walk down into the throngs.

Love the Tubas! Go Bears!

After a little while, the musicians all mixed up with their instrument counterparts from the other bands. They ran around and played and acted really silly. Here are the trumpets.

This is One Big Dude and possibly the biggest sax I’ve ever seen?

These guys are playing instruments upside down!

The kids couldn’t cool off. We ran out of provisions (water). I had to call it.

I love this! I think I finally understand the Egg Heads! They’re hot and tired and want to go home!

One last stop – a drive by of the new football Stadium, where the lacrosse team was playing. It’s crazy. I’d love to go see a football game there! I am ashamed this was the first time we’ve seen it. I’m a terrible lacrosse alum. I just don’t feel any connection to the team – it’s so different now!

Lucy feel asleep in the car so we couldn’t stay for the end of the game. Good Bye Davis! See ya later!

Fear The Beard

13 Apr 2012

It’s Orange & Black day at Clarendon, in honor of today’s Home Opener at Pac Bell.
(I mean AT&T. ?)

Anyways, Oscar abruptly changed yesterday’s haircut plans when he heard – (and the Mohawk got an extension), so he could sport it one more day. With his beard.

You may remember last year’s photos. I love them.

And of Course, Lucy wanted in one the action.

Brian Wilson is completely rediculous, but it’s all in good fun. He was in typical form yesterday for his first save of the season, as the Giants took the rubber match from the Rockies 4-2. But not before he walked a guy in. “Are you not entertained?!!”

P.S. Oscar got some new kicks too:

Go Giants!

pps one more…

First Foothold in The Backyard

11 Mar 2012

We got a small, basic first effort in today.
I pulled some weeds, Mark mowed.
I weed whacked, and pruned some of the roses.
Salamanders abound.

This azalea was given to us by Inge and Gesa the day Ava was born! Chief saved it, brought it back to health, and now it’s here:

Here’s the plant when it was new (May 2003):

I have Much Much Much more to do in time for Easter.
On a positive note, the very beginnings of the Lilac blooms are just visible!