Category Archives: Sports & Activities

Bath Time Sensory Fun

19 Feb 2012

I found this idea on Pinterest:

This was so much fun! The glow sticks were a gift from Grand Aunt Pam. (thank you!) I’d saved most of them for a ‘rainy day’. I told the kids I was making them a surprise bath, but I didn’t show them the glow sticks. I said they needed to wait in the hall while the tub filled. So there was anticipation. I ran the water, and added just a little of my favorite bubble bath. (Mustela of course!)
Then, when I’d broken the sticks, given them a shake, and tossed them in the warm water, I turned off the lights and opened the door.
I said, “Come in to the see the bath tub!” They Loved it! They Oohed and aww’d. I lit a couple of tea light candles for extra ambiance, but kept the lights off. It was great. The kids would not leave the tub! I had to fill the bath with more hot water because they were in there so long.

Lucy’s First Soccer

19 Feb 2012

Did you know they have soccer for 2 year olds?
It’s kinda silly, but fun – if the weather is nice (it was). And if you like the coach (I really do!). Actually there were two coaches – horribly excessive considering the talent of these soccer playing professionals. Over qualified is an understatement, but they coach all the different age-groups in “Soccer Kids“, so I get it. Coach Tim is Oscar’s coach, of the Lightening Strikers. They play on Saturdays, with late afternoon practice on Thursdays.
Tim invited me to come to a couple of weekday morning 2-3 y.o. practices with Lucy for free.

Lucy is not quite ready for organized sports yet. The “practices” were fine, but I won’t be signing up for the next session. She has plenty of time. In the fall she will begin preschool. The way it will go, due to her October birthday, is she’ll have 2 years of preschool, followed by a year of pre-K, before enrolling at Clarendon for kindergarten.

Still, it was a fun moment for me to be there for her first practice ever on a field! I was inspired! May there be many more!

A Week In February

12 Feb 2012

I often wonder where the early months of the year go. Ours are low-profile, and mixed with an odd assortment of things. No big parties or trips. Here is last week, roughly: an assortment.      (click on any to enlarge)

The Niners missed the Superbowl by one game. We distracted ourselves with Kiera’s chicken wings (the only wings I’ve ever loved) and Mark’s Superbowl Squares, which kinda sucks these days ’cause I don’t know enough of the players/winners.

Lucy loves Peeky-Boo, and Karen.

Cereal Beautification.

A rare Play-doh moment (I don’t like the way it smells, so I hardly ever bring it out)

Room 103 does Art for the Auction. I read this book to Oscar (over multiple nights) and had warm fuzzy flashbacks.

Opi says, “Kids, sugar is bad for you”…

…Then serves up the ice cream.

The neighbor’s shower curtain art that is driving me crazy, and Lucy sleeping, which I always love.

We make brownies, and decorate Kiera’s cookies for UJ.

Lucy’s first soccer practice, followed by playground time, with her friend Taj.

We babysit Eloise for the first time, so Lachie can take Izzie out for her birthday.