Monthly Archives: February 2013

Busy Mommy

21 Feb 2013

I realize I have not been blogging lately.
Is this the time I always wondered about, when I would lose interest?

I don’t think I’ve lost interest entirely.

Instagram is a big contributing factor. I bet if there was no Instagram, I’d be posting more pics here.

After my big Clarendon art project is wrapped up and shipped off, I hope to be free of commitments to others, and able to focus on more selfish endeavors..

Here’s the over due hot mess that I’m sitting next to.
Pray for me that I can throw it together in the final minutes!


Nickle Family Visit

06 Feb 2013

Our long-time college friends, Greg and Jen came with kids and dog for the funnest sleepover in memory!
The kids are ADORABLE – crazy sweet.
(Did you expect anything less from an Aquilina?)
Tyler is 12, Brady 9, Holly 7.
And Koda, a Great Pyrenees puppy, is only 6 months! Hes gonna be huge.
(I’m in love)

Lucy’s First Swim Lesson, Again

01 Feb 2013

Only Better.
Because I’m not in the pool…

But first, I need to include this pre-swim photo (which I am in love with!!)

And maybe another…

Ok, so the lesson.

Here is happy Lucy, floating. (the pink goggles in the middle):

The kids get ribbons to measure their progress.
The first one is the Rainbow ribbon, for general following of instructions, and putting your face in the water.
Some kids do not get this on the first day.

Here is Lucy’s real first swim lesson, and another day, with Auntie Kiera, who was then sometimes known as Bobby.
Our lessons are now Wednesdays at 11:45 if anyone wants to tag along! Happily, no suit required….