Tag Archives: school

Happy 100 Days

28 Jan 2011

Oscar and his schoolmates celebrated 100 days of school on Wednesday.

I guess it’s a school-wide thing, because I heard a couple of teachers wishing each other “Happy Hundred Days!” as I walked Oscar to the lower yard. They play games with the other K classes, and have a class party. Pretty cute idea I think.

Oscar had special homework the night before. He had to count up 100 small things (all by himself) and bring them in in a ziplock baggie:

And then of course Lucy had to get in on the act – she found her own:

I made a card for the teacher that said Thank You a hundred times. Oscar loved it and showed it off to his friends. Ms. Ruth said she’d never received one of those before.

And THIS MORNING, Oscar said he’d like to try the kid “drop off” line in front of school! Heaven! On the way to school, I said “This will be so great”. He said, “Yeah. It’s already a hundred and two days, mom. This is good practice for first grade. That’s commin’ up quick you know.”
So First ‘Drop Off’ was a success!

update- Ms. Ruth put her card up on the whiteboard!

Kindergarten Update

08 Oct 2010

We got a schedule this week! I was just thinking how nice it would be to have one, and then one came home in the back pack! I usually ask Oscar what he did each day when we’re driving home, or at dinner. Now that I have the schedule I can prompt him a little.

Some of the reports are probably only interesting to parents, but here are some examples just in case.

  • “Jacob is getting better, but Robbie is still really bad. He still does that Roaring thing and gets in trouble..  And he still tells Jacob to get Ashley. So now he got Ariel and Jacob in trouble.” {FYI, Robbie is an adorable little blond headed sweetie pie that stands in front of O. at the morning bell.}
  • “Math is numbers. From Italian we know how to count from Uno to Dieci.  Okay it goes like this: “Uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque, sei, sette, otto, nove, dieci. That’s it.”
  • “So PE. We have new games, and some games we’ve played before. My favorite one is Monkey in the Coconut Tree.”
  • “We don’t have very much Free Choice. It matters if we’re being good, we can have it, and if we’re being bad we can’t have it.”
  • “So Journal. I don’t usually get to do that because I have work to finish. Most people have to finish their work during journal time. The work we’re finishing is from some other day. Like if we’re doing a connect the dot, and we didn’t get to finish coloring it.”
  • “Cafeteria is too loud.”
  • “The last thing I want to tell you about is Recess.  Today, at the last recess, I was looking around for children who were playing violence and doing bad things. I’m helping my teacher see people who are doing things that get them in trouble. I’m trying to help Ruth so no one gets hurt from the violence. {How much violence was there today??} Nothing. I mean none. But I was looking for it anyways. Because you never know when it will happen.”
  • {And did you sing about pancakes today?} “Uh huh. It goes like this….

Art Class – Thursday Afternoons

01 Oct 2010

Even though I promised myself I would not enroll Oscar in any extra classes this fall, I had to sign up for this. The art class is directly after school, in the art bungalow, with his regular school art teacher. Ms. Ruth drops him off on her way to ‘Pick Up’ in the courtyard. I come at 4:30 to get him. Easy! So many kids were signed up for Tues. and Wed. class that the art teacher, Ms. Ellen Weinstein, offered a Thursday class. We, obviously, had no problem switching. So Oscar is one of only 12 kids in the class. It was total harmony when Lucy and I showed up today. Here’s what he made: