Tag Archives: travel

Mark To Germany

08 Sep 2011

We dropped Daddy at the airport today. He’s off to his cousin’s wedding, near Stuttgart.
He’ll join his parents, sister Karen, and many of his aunts, uncles and cousins. He will be back Tuesday the 13th.

(Whooo hooo! Daddys gone – PARTY! – – – – oh, wait.)

In the meantime my friend Beth is here for the weekend with her Adorable son Adrian.
This is Adrian this morning, about to ride his first cable car:

Have a safe journey Mark (Send photos!) Congratulations Dirk and Jeannine! Happy Wedding! ♥

We had so much fun too!

Travel Posters

12 Jun 2011

My folks are thinking of going to Venice for their 40th Wedding anniversary!
I’m getting kinda sentimental with all the love stories happening around here…
Here are Vicki and Jim (a.k.a. Nana and Chief) on their wedding day, back in 1971:

So I hope Venice works out for them! It’s one of the few Epic places in Europe they haven’t been yet!

These posters are so classic (circa 1920): (click to enlarge)

(This one is sooo pretty too, but not relevant…)

Road Trip Continued..

03 Apr 2011

So about that series of road trip posts… It was a misguided idea that was doomed to failure. I was having too much fun on vacay to waste any time posting. Here’s the brief synopsys, then stay tuned for a lil’ photo show..

We made our first stop in Bakersfield, to visit our old friends the Zaninovichs. It has been too long since we’ve seen Andy and Katy, and their kids, Tom, Peter and Marie. They are doing really well!
We went to the site of the new house they are building, in the middle of orange, cherry and almond orchards. It’s going to be so beautiful!

Next we drove to Orange county, to our cousins’ home in San Juan Capistrano. The Crvarichs are a wonderful family of five, and are no less terrific just because they have no “e”. (ha ha just teasing). Lucy is almost exactly the same age as their littlest, Kate. Mom Shannon was an amazing host to us and we got to hang out for some quality time. We really have only scratched the surface with our new favorite California cousins, but I say better late than never! We are now trying to woo them north to SF…

Tuesday was Disneyland. Total bliss – the weather was perfect, the kids didn’t whine or fuss, and we had a ball. The highlight of our day was when Oscar got picked to do Jedi training and got to fight Darth Vader. He resisted the temptation of the Dark Side and all was right in the universe.

Wednesday we hit San Diego. Uncle John rallied to host us, and also Cole and Kiera, and Na na and Chief. (NB: Nanu is attempting a switch to Na na, per Lucy’s abilities. Does this deserve it’s own blog post?)

Anyways, The Pool, the Hot tub, the sun, the company! San Diego was a total dream. UJ, we can’t thank you enough!! Muchas Gracias! And so good to spend quality time! (ps. I want that Manhattan recipe! :))
We had planned to go to the zoo, and so I asked Oscar to get out of the pool so we could get ready. “maybe later?” he asked. Okay kid, you got the right idea! Zoo never happened as we ran out of time, but no one missed it. Too busy chillin’ poolside. We felt so spoiled. Also we got to see our friend Cady, which was a special treat! Miss you!

Aaand, Sunday night. Return to regular life.
Photos shortly I hope.

Spring Break Roadtrip

28 Mar 2011

[So.Cal] I am blogging from the road. Very cool. Except I am on a laptop and I’m kinda tragic on laptops. That’s less cool. I am taking twice the time (due to everything being so foreign,) and writing half the post. Consider this the first installment of a series.
We loved Bakersfield, and now we’re staying with our Crvarich cousins in San Juan Capistrano. YAY! Disneyland is Tuesday, and we’ll roll into San Diego Wednesday.
The kids are having so much fun – it’s really cute.

As photos are the most time consuming part, you only get three. But they’re a good three: