Category Archives: Updates

I’m Still Here

28 Feb 2012

Did I go almost a week without posting anything?

I’ve been working on some projects (art projects for Clarendon, wedding related stuff.. nothing blog worthy. Yet.) Actually, I’ve been enjoying lots of time to myself, with the peace of not having anything “due”. I space out on Pinterest and I watch the Bachelor. Both are great escapes.


Maybe this will buy me some more time :)

Lucy’s 2 Year Old Checkup with Dr. Ernster

28 Oct 2011

Lucy weighs 27 lbs, 10 oz. which is 70th %.
She is 34 inches, which is 60th %.
Dr. Ernster asked if she could come home and live with him.
I told him how much Oscar would miss Lucy, and so we agreed to keep arrangements the way they are.

And for those of you interested,
Lucy is wearing size 2T clothes, and has a size 8 (wide) shoe.
Dora the Explorer has eclipsed Little Einsteins as her favorite show, and her favorite food is strawberries. She loves to color with pens, and her Mimi (blanket) is still her prized possession. She can run, jump, skip, and twirl until she is “zizzy”. She likes kittys, “aballoons”, and “‘alloween!!”

An Apple a Day – The 6 Year Old Check Up

08 Sep 2011

We went to see Dr. Ernster for the annual checkup.
Oscar is 53 lbs, and 47.5 inches (85th percentile for both).
He has perfect sight and hearing, no issues, and instead of any shots he got a anti-flu nasal spray.

Dr. Ernster seemed really well. We talked about how Oscar and Lucy get to go to Sebastopol (and all the benefits available to them: fresh air, swimming, playing outdoors with no cars, growing fruit and vegetables, etc.) and he recommended a recent NY Times article on gravenstein apples. The topic isn’t new to us, but it’s nice to see it get national coverage!

FYI we have a basket of these beauties in our kitchen right now – (Thanks Omi & Opi)

Happy One Year Anniversary To The Blog

01 Sep 2011

Today marks one year of the “new” website. It’s not a big deal, because lord knows there have been other incarnations of our kids’ websites. But I have a feeling we have arrived at a website with staying power.

Just a small, happy milestone, with lots more to look forward to. And y’all know how I like to look forward to things!
Hooray for!

ps – I’d like to give a BIG shout out to WordPress for being utterly useful.


01 Sep 2011

This morning after we drove Oscar to school, Lucy and I were snuggling in my bed. We’d played together for a while, and nap-time was approaching. I pretended to sleep and Lucy decided to not sleep. (Shocking.) Instead, she started to tell me everything she knew. She pointed around the room and named off household items like Clock, Pants, Picture, Keys, Flashlite, Tissues, Door, Pillow, etc. As you can imagine, I was kinda floored at this outpouring of vocabulary. Then, she starts to tell me family members. Can you see where this is heading?
She said Dada, Mommee, and then paused. I whispered Oscar? (which she never says)
I said Lucy? She said Yu-cy.
I asked who else? (not quite believing my ears as it was)
Omi, Opi, NaNa, Chief (unbelievable cute ff sound), CoCo, GiGi, Ki-ah.

(Bob is the Crossing Guard at Clarendon – she has a crush on him and says Bye Bye Bob twice a day.)
So, can you believe it? Girlfriend has been holding out on us….
(Or maybe she’s just ready to talk.)

Oh and by the way, she’d like everyone to know that she can now say Rocket, not just Rah-Rah.