Monthly Archives: November 2011

Visiting With Nana

12 Nov 2011

Oscar and Lucy got to see their Great Grandmother tonight! That’s Chief’s mother, Dorothy (Jones) Stipovich.
She’s in town visiting my parents this weekend. I wish we could see her much more often!

(click to enlarge image)

Riding A Bike (kinda like)

10 Nov 2011

Yesterday we tried a new tactic in our ongoing mission to get Oscar to ride a bike.

Mark got a gyro wheel, which you use instead of training wheels. After school, I took the kids into Golden Gate Park for a little ‘first try”. It was not a playdate – Oscar requested “no other people”.

I must skeptically note that now the whole bike weighs in at about 200 lbs (it was heavy to begin with).
But the wheel was fun, and interesting! And it’s funner than riding around with training wheels! And it’s fun riding around period (Which he wasn’t doing on his own.) He just needs more time and space. We’ll try this weekend.

Here is Oscar on the bike (sorry for lack of photos – it was hard enough to manage the Lucy situation). You can see the new front wheel:

Holidays Are Here – With Kids

10 Nov 2011

Sarah and Antonia are in town! Their mom Nancy had a bunch of us over this week for a fun gathering.
Man do we have a lot of kids nowadays! And the crazy thing is, not all the kids are even in the photo! (think Kellys, who were there, Mollards, who were missed…)
Like Grandma Bobbie’s house, (and just a few door’s down,) Nancy & Christian’s house is big, and absorbs a lot of children. Here they are taking a break to watch a movie upstairs in the bedroom. (Grown ups are All downstairs drinking and eating deliciously).

click to enlarge.