We had so much fun, and Oscar wants to go back again, asap.
I considered it a “warm up” for real camping, because this was too easy!
This is where we stayed, in Cloverdale:
The kabins have electricity, and are even nicer than the Lair. Oscar ran around, or biked, unsupervised, with his buddies. Well, not completely unsupervised, – all the parents participated in an informal zone defense. The kids played pick up wiffle ball, and who knows what else. Something called Everybody It Tag. It was awesome to hang out with the families.
We got to leave Lucy with Omi & Opi, so we could relax, and drink, and not worry about Lucy kamikazeing into the lake. Thanks Omi! (Lucy did great)
Click any of these to see larger.

Just Arriving

Pretty enough, plus a fountain too.

Oscar and Shayan checking out their new digs

People loved the small effort we made to decorate

The Pool.

Oscar got to swim all day with all his buddies. It was absolutely the. best.

Running around with friends

Oscar is friendly with the girls, and saw no problem accepting their invitation to join them.

I LOVE this pic

I LOVE this one too

Best Buds (Ariel)

Parting shot