Tag Archives: Omi &Opi

Flat Tire On Clement Street

16 Dec 2011

Let me start by saying It could have been waaaayyyy worse!

The day’s errands involved a trip to Clement, primarily to shop for live dungeness crab at Seafood Center. Parking in front of my favorite housewares and supply store was just a bonus (more on Kamei later.)

Oscar was at school, and Lucy and I had a little over an hour to spend shopping on Clement. We ducked into See’s candy, but the line was 9 people long. We left empty handed. Next we hit a Walgreen’s for some medicine for Lucy (she has athletes foot I think! poor girl). We also got some Christmas goodies, and some instant-gratification goldfish-crackers for a very peeved Lu Lu, who had seen ‘the light’ inside See’s.

Next up was the crabs, -seven of them,- for Kiera’s birthday party. They would eventually look like this:

But we weren’t there yet. The crabs were bagged up for us, (all 15 lbs. of them!), and Lucy and I headed back for the car.

To find this:

Specifically this:

I looked at my watch, iPhone, and saw it was 3:12.
My window to pick up Oscar at school is 3:25 until 3:40. Maaaaby 3:45. Shoot.
I call a taxi, my iHusband.

Mark arranges the plan – he calls Triple A and asks for a grace period on our expired service. Then he calls Omi & Opi, who come to our rescue in the form of Picking Oscar Up On Time!! Yay! So all I had to do was hang out, and watch Lucy play with the Kamei plastic stools. (She’s obsessed with stools – it was ideal.)

They’re so cheap, I almost went in and bought a stack to bring home with us – but I didn’t want to miss my man. My knight in Yellow armor..

Lucy and I watched the dude fix us all up.

I had to move the car seats to get at the tire tool, and BONUS! found my missing notebook! So Relieved!

With four Round wheels, we swung over to Omi and Opi’s house, who were just getting back home with Oscar.
Hooray! My heroes!

(For more birthday photos later that evening, head over here.)

Busy Weekend

21 Aug 2011

(click to enlarge)

What did you do this weekend??

The kids went up to Sebastopol with Omi and Omi, but no parents!
From the look of things, and by all reports, they has an AWESOME time!!
Thanks Omi & Opi!

It’s apple time! Heirloom Gravensteins – ahhh, the sweet smell alone gets me every time.

So — where were Mark and Vale you ask? It was Bachelor and Bachelorette weekend for Cole and Kiera.
The boys went to Vegas, and the girls stayed home in SF.
No Paparazzi!

okay, maybe one photo:

From left to right, that’s me, Maggie (Kiera’s friend), Nanu, Georgia the frenchie, Jeanette (Kiera’s mom), Lauren (Kiera’s sister), Madie, and Whitney (Kiera’s friend). Fun Weekend! XOXO!

And one more with all of us (Kiera!)…



I’ve got a VIDEO FROM VEGAS. It’s Priceless.

photo from Mark’s weekend in Vegas. The Bar is physically holding him up. Zach seems to be coping with gravity just fine….