Tag Archives: crab

Christmas Eve 2012

26 Dec 2012

This year’s Christmas Eve was Perfect! We had such a nice night. Inge and Gesa brought over fresh crab for dinner, and a huge Boudin sourdough crab to match!
We had German sausages and pretzels, and just the right kind of mustard.
There were beautiful gifts exchanged, and everyone was happy and healthy.

Crab Night

27 Nov 2012

click any photo to see it larger

instagram by Madie

Kiss that Crab!

Oscar ate Crab! YAY! (Amazing, really. He REALLY wanted to like it.)

Zach and Kate made amazing biscuits! Ha ha So good now they have to bring them every crab night!

Look closely… One of these dinners is not like the others… :)
Also notice: we dispense with the dinner plates and use the chargers instead
– they’re bigger!

Thank you Cole, for taking the gorgeous photos. Now I’m hungry again. When is the Next Crab Night?