Woke up to brunch! Peet’s latte, birthday cake, pastries, bacon & eggs, fresh o.j. & strawberries, presents and flowers! Thanks for the photo, Kiera, and the rest are thanks to Cole.

Swedish Princess: white cake layers with raspberry and kirsch custard filling, whipped cream and marzipan icing.

A little help making my wish… (Afterwards, Lucy cried. So cute!!)

All better

It was Georgia’s birthday too! Actually, even more special as it was her Golden Birthday! 2 on the second. She got bacon.

We took turns being Hipsters.

Alex makes hipster look cool

cutie pie hipster frenchie.

Someone said he looked like Chief.

Play-on Playa

This one cracked me up
Later we took the kids to Nanu & Chief’s for a sleepover. Yay! No Kids!
Off we went, to Zuni with Ben and Joan.
Only one photo, but it says enough!

Thanks for all my birthday love!!
Update, *sigh*, in response to Cole’s comment: