Tag Archives: Easter

Jeanette’s Easter Cookies Have Arrived!

21 Apr 2011

Let Easter weekend begin! You know Good Friday? Well this was Thoughtful Thursday! Jeanette, thank you!! Really, thanks. What a treat!

Warning, the rest of this post is just a whole bunch of bragging, so if that offends you, look away! What’s that? You like drooling over other people’s cookies? then, by all means, read on…

First of all, you know it’s The Package when you see this (you may even do a little dance).

I like to imagine all of the little bunnies and ducks traveling across the country… to us!!
Here’s the goodies (minus the Pez that Oscar is eating inhaling right as I type this):

(click any image to see it larger)


(yes I know the package says “To: Oscar & Lucy”… so what. )

So Cute!

A little cookie parade…

The big white bunnies!!

These oval boxes were at the bottom, filled with chocolate candy eggs and foil chicks.

The kids could not be reached for comment…

I tried to get a pic of Lucy kissing the big bunny.. she was running around and moving too fast to get a better shot:

If this is any indication, it’s going to be a sweet, happy holiday. Don’t you just love tradition at the holidays? The only thing I can’t figure out is where Jeanette came up with the time to bake, in such a big way. Baby April was born only six days ago, and Jeanette was in Boston being a brand-new grandmother! Did the Easter Bunny bestow special magical baking powers?