Here’s the kids not loving the subway:

We didn’t give ourselves very much time to sight-see. But that’s okay. Mark and the kids spent a whole lot of the day at the Natural History museum – I joined them after dress shopping and lunch with Madie and Rachel. We saw some enormous dinosaurs, and Oscar even got to dig like a real archeologist wold, to uncover bones.
Next we went to Sarah, John and August’s place near the West Village. It was so nice to walk in from the big city, into the comfort of our good friend’s home! Johnny cooked up a delicious dinner, and the kids played. Carlo and Flor came over. We drank wine. It was fun!

August is such a big boy! Aren’t they cute together?

Mac-n-cheese for the kids (Oscar wouldn’t eat the empanadas, his loss)

An umbrella parade, and a tackle Carlo moment

Carlo and Flor helped us schlep over to their place, (not far: Chelsea) with August’s pack-n-play!
The next morning Carlo took us on a walk along the Highline. Beautiful, urban and really cool.
This is a timely article, about the future of the Highline, by the NY Times.
Later, Carlo sent us to the best donut place I’ve ever been to: Doughnut Plant.
The coconut creme donut was possibly my (2nd) favorite thing I tasted all week, which is certainly saying something. (Cole and Kiera’s wedding cake would Have to be the first!)
Next time I vow to go see Lady Liberty, but all in all, we had so much fun with our friends, I didn’t really miss her. Thanks Carlo, Flor, Sarah and John! Kisses!