Tag Archives: sofa

Sharpie Strikes Again

02 Aug 2011

This is the back of our sofa. It used to be pristine. But that’s so yesterday.
Lucy climbed up on my desk chair, went to my pen cup, selected my fattest sharpie, and then went to work on the largest, prettiest canvas she could find.

(Mom was “sleepin’ on the job.” I shouldn’t have trusted her.
And “Again” in the post title refers to Oscar’s own sofa masterpiece which I cannot seem to find a photo of)

Kitchen Sink

13 Mar 2011

Photos from here and there… (click to enlarge)

We need to refinish the floors. Soon!


Still lovin’ the bathtime.

Happy to play with Chief

Returning to the scene of the crime. And not even acting guilty about it!

Oscar with his art teacher Ellen Weinstein. (love her!)

This hummingbird was so bent out of shape about the hawk!
The hawk refused to get his feathers ruffled.


Lucy – Sofa

08 Mar 2011

The Sofa continues to be the best light in the house – and coincidentally, a fun place to lounge and be cute. When the kids grow up, I fear they might ask me if they ever left the sofa!